Thursday, July 7, 2011

What A Weekend!

Whew, what a great weekend! The 4th of July weekend was a blast for us! Friday Joe and I went downtown with Lauren and Olivia to the Springfield Art Walk to see some art that Jeff (Lauren's husband) did and to walk around and see other art.  Jeff is truly blessed with an amazing talent, check out these photos below. A short description of what you are looking at is these are photos of normal everyday things, like a dollar bill, taken under a microscope, magnified hundreds of times and then colored afterwards.  Seriously amazing work, and by far the best art at the walk!

Saturday we went to Fireworks at the Field, which was a fireworks show being put on by the City of Springfield.  With our admission sticker we got into the Discovery Center for free and then got to go see fireworks on the field at Hammons Field, which is where the Springfield Cardinals play.  It was awesome! Joe saw some of his co-workers there who were reporting and they were able to get us free drinks from the green room so we didn't have to pay.  The show was amazing and we had a ton of fun at the discovery center!

Joe at the Discovery Center. This thing you stand on and when your body weight is exactly centered it makes you spin round and round, needless to say he only did this for a few seconds for me to get a picture, because it was slinging him around!

Joe and me sitting on the field waiting for fireworks!

Saturday was so much fun, but we were dead tired! Sunday we went to Lauren and Jeff's to bbq and had an awesome dinner with them and sat outside for a few hours, it was surprisingly nice out! We went home at a half way decent time so Joe could sleep because he had to work that night.  He came home Monday morning and needed to sleep so I did laundry and cleaned up the house. 

At about 2:30 I got a call from Lauren saying they weren't staying at the aquatic center because Olivia fell and had a huge bump on her head, so their plans were to be at home.  I got Joe up around 3:30 and we went to the store to get some hamburger to bbq with Lauren and Jeff and O and we got some fireworks to shoot off. 

We swam with the Rawson's in their pool and bbq'd and shot off fireworks, and just chilled enjoying each others company.  It is so great having them here, it was like we never skipped a beat. I can't imagine life without them, they are truly amazing friends and baby O isn't such a baby anymore...she is a grown toddler with the attitude bigger than her mommy! Here are some pics of our fantastic 4th of July! We are truly blessed!

So that was the weekend...yesterday was another doctor's appointment.  It was just your standard monthly appointment to make sure everything is going as it should.  It's hard at this stage of pregnancy to know if everything is ok since you can't feel a kick or anything, so you just hope for the best.  We went in and got to hear the heartbeat...156 this time! Doctor says that is very strong! We scheduled our next appointment for the first week of August. 

My family is coming in town the last weekend of July/first week in August.  We have an ultrasound scheduled with Ultrasona on August 1st to get a 3D done and determine gender.   We are super excited to find out what Baby M is and I can't wait to start feeling these little flutters I read about!

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