Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Where to start?

So I gave in and decided to start a blog.  My best friend has one and I love reading all about her life and what her daughter, Olivia, is up to, so I figured my family would like to be able to read about what's going on in our neck of the woods too. 

Most everyone knows, Joe and I have been trying to conceive for almost three years now and have suffered through two losses.  We have been seeing fertility specialistS for almost two years now and have gotten no answers, not even a "you're too fat lose some weight".  Nothing. Just nothing.  We have done it all, ultrasounds, clomid, ovulation tets, basal body temperature, I have had my tubes checked, Joe has been checked, everything comes back A Ok.  Not such a great answer for someone who wants a REAL answer.  So we decided about a year ago we would just leave it up to God.  About that time we were moving to Republic for Joe's job and we had hope with a new city would come new doctors and new opinions.  I had an appointment with a regular OB/GYN to see what he thought.  He said all my tests looked fine and recommended us to the Reproductive Resource Center in Kansas City.  We went, they did an ultrasound and found I have polycystic ovaries, not the full blown syndrome, my ovaries just produce a lot of little eggs, never big enough to rupture and be fertilized.  They have a rigorous plan including letozole, ovidrel shots, ultrasounds, and IUI.  We have done IUI twice before, this is our third attempt, however we are confident it will work this time, the doctor is too.

I have lost a totalof 41 pounds in 4 months, per the doctor's request an we are now about to embark on the journey of our 3rd attempted IUI.  I have been on my letrozole for two days now, and feel crampy after taking the meds.  Joe and I are both on Z-packs to rid any infection there may be, he has gotten his blood drawn for the final tests for infection and I get mine drawn tomorrow.  I have an appointment next Wednesday for my ultrasound to see if my eggs are large enough to get my shot of ovidrel to trigger ovulation.  We will then go to Kansas City to get the IUI.  Cross your fingers this works, for REAL this time, so we can have a blessing in our arms, at last!

In other news:  Joe has a 2nd job interview this Thursday in KANSAS CITY, MO! He was contacted by the Exeutive Producer at KMBC asking him to apply for the mornig show producer position they have available.  He sent in his resume and a show he recently produced.  The EP called him and said his stuff is being sent to the morning show EP and that she would be in contact with him.  Monday, the morning show EP called and wanted to see him ASAP for an interview and to meet the staff. If it all goes well, we will be packing up, leavig Republic and my best friend, and embarking on our new life.  The financials of this new job are amazing and his salary would nearly double.  I already contacted my old boss at Millsap & Singer and she may have a position for me in their Leawood, Kansas office, which would be awesome.

SOOO....fingers crossed! This month is huge to us.  We could potentially be moving 300 miles away and be expecting our first child all in one month! The thought of being able to pay off almost all of our debt by the end of the year and be deliverying our child at the end of the year is amazing and scary all at the same time.


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