Sunday, May 1, 2011

Prayers Answered

Thursday morning, April 28, 2011, I wasn't supposed to be taking a home pregnancy test for another day, but I knew Joe would be talking about it that night, so I decided to take it that morning.  I was half asleep when I took the first test, so I don't think I administered it correctly, the test just remained blank.  I kind of expected the test to be negative just becuase we have never had any luck the past 2 1/2 years.  I decided to take a shower and see if I would have enough pee to take another test before I went to work.  I I took it.  Two lines, right away.  One lighter than the other, but two nevertheless.  I didn't cry, I didn't laugh, I think I might have smiled, but all I could think is that we have been here before.  I soon shook that feeling and was so relieved that God decided that we were ready and blessed us with this miracle.

I set out a little onesie, my postive test, and a note I wrote to Joe all on his pillow, I knew he would be home to go to sleep shortly after I was at work. 

Sure enough, on my way to work Joe texted me "Are we taking a test tonight or waiting until tomorrow", I knew he would ask! I said whatever he thought and left it at that.  About an hour later I got a text from him saying I tricked him and that he was crying and couldn't wait to see me...I guess he found my surprise!

I took another test Saturday morning for 2 reasons.  1 to make sure it was still positive and 2 to make sure the second line was indeed getting darker.  The hpt measures hcg and hcg is supposed to double every other day, so the second line should be twice as dark as it was on Thursday. Much to my relief, it was! The second line was almost as dark as the first.  I am so relieved!

I got blood work taken on Friday and will get the results on Monday and am getting more blood work on Tuesday to make sure my numbers are going up like they are supposed to. 

All I have to say is, thank you God for allowing me to experience you and this miracle. I am so excited to share this journey with my husband and continue to grow in my faith.

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